Healthcare Data Exchange

With all the changes - past, present and future — taking place in this highly regimented and regulated space, it’s more important than ever that your integration solution (EDI/X12/BizTalk) be flexible and adaptable, in addition to the usually reliability and scalability requirements. Your business can’t afford to complete a major project to support the ACA only to have to do it all over again to support the AHCA, and then go back to the drawing board for whatever comes next. New (non-optional) laws and rules require new code, new processes, new partners — and new thinking if youre going to be able to adapt profitably.

You can’t avoid change; it is inevitable in the healthcare industry, and you must be able to respond quickly and efficiently to keep your customers (external AND internal) happy. The key to unraveling this Gordian Knot is to minimize modifications (and the accompanying coding, testing, deployment and monitoring) needed by you (and your customers) when external forces mandate revisions. Contact us to discuss our ideas for protecting your business from the churn and expense of keeping up with the whiplash changes in the healthcare industry.